We are a guild of Christian women who are writers, speakers, teachers, and leaders in good standing in our local Protestant churches and who seek to advance a shared commitment to Christian belief and practice across cultural, denominational, and racial lines.
We amplify the voice and presence of Christian belief and practice in the church and the public square by fostering commitment to the common life of the church and offering individual believers, ministry leaders, churches, and seminaries biblically faithful resources and support, including writing, speaking, collaboration, mentoring, and prayer that serve all members of Christ's Body, the Church.
We are committed to the authority, sufficiency, and trustworthiness of Holy Scripture and to the Christian faith passed down through the creeds and confessions of the early church (Nicene, Apostle's, Athanasian, and Chalcedonian).
We unite particularly around the doctrines of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit, in whose image He created humankind as male and female, endowing inherent dignity to those of every age, race, ethnicity, sex, and background, from conception to natural death; the fall of humanity that corrupted God's creation; and redemption by grace through faith alone in Jesus the Messiah, the promised Son of David, who reconciles us to God and to each other. Through Him all things were created, and by Him all things are being made new.
As members of His body, we share a commitment to the local and global church, to a historical, Christ-centered reading of Scripture, and to these first order doctrines which create robust good will around second order doctrines.