Good Links
Interesting links for the week of October 19, 2020
Do Christian women feel shame for wanting it all (family, work, etc.)? What does Amy Coney Barrett do for feminism in Christianity?:
Suburban women in Texas struggle to decide on a presidential candidate to vote for various reasons:
Find joy in voting, and release yourself from the pressure of finding the perfect candidate or political party:
The U.S. Supreme Court rejects South Carolina’s attempt to reinstate a blockade Medicaid funding for abortions:
Theologian Michael Bird gives his take about fundamentalism and “wokeness”:
Anne Kennedy wrestles through the binary choices when one is faced with pregnancy in tragic circumstances. Are there only two choices?
PODCAST: Rachel Welcher joins the Theology Gals to talk about her new book, Talking Back to Purity Culture: Rediscovering Faithful Christian Sexuality:
Cover photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash