A Better Country: Embracing The Refugees in Our Midst by Cindy Wu

Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry: A Practical Guide edited by Cameron Cole and Jon Nielson

New Doors in Ministry to Women by Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews

Women's Retreats: A Creative Planning Guide by Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews

Mixed Ministry: Working Together as Brothers and Sisters in an Oversexed Society by Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews

Leading Women Who Wound: Strategies for an Effective Ministry by Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews

Organic Ministry to Women: A Guide to Transformational Ministry with Next-Generation Women by Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews

Keeping Faith: How Christian Organisations Can Stay True to the Way of Jesus by Kara Martin

Moments & Days: How Our Holy Celebrations Shape Our Faith by Michelle Van Loon

Beyond The Roles: A Biblical Foundation for Women and Ministry by Melanie Cogdill, compiler; Anne Maree Goudzwaard, contributor

One by One: Welcoming the Singles in Your Church by Gina Dalfonzo

Praying Through The Psalms: A Guide for Contemplative Prayer Using Anglican Prayer Beads by Cindy Hamilton